Дата: Sunday, 08.11.2015, 00:01 | Сообщение # 1
Setka Schedule: Saturday (Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Winner's Final) [7 Matches] Sunday (Losers Round 1, Losers Round 2, Losers Round 3, Losers Final, Grand Final) [7 Matches]
Match schedule: • 21 November, Saturday: Central European Time Quarterfinals A – 15:00 Quarterfinals B – 16:00 Quarterfinals C – 17:00 Quarterfinals D – 18:00
Semifinals A – 19:00 (Winners of A and B) Semifinals B – 20:00 (Winners C and D)
Winner's Final - 21:00 (the Match for getting into the main tournament final)
• 22 November, Sunday: Central European Time
Losers Round 1(A) - 15:00 (Loser of team A and B) Losers Round 1(B) – 16:00 (Losing team C and D) Losers Round 2(A) - 17:00 (Winner of Losers Round 1(A) vs Loser of Semifinal (B)) Losers Round 2(B) – 18:00 (Winner Losers Round 1(B) vs Loser of Semifinal (A)) Losers Round 3 – 19:00 (Winner Losers Round 2(A) vs Winner Losers Round 2 (B))
Losers Final – 20:00 (Loser of the Winner's Final vs Winner of Losers Round 3) Grand Final – 21:00 (Winner Winner's Final vs Winner of the Losers Final)