1. CoDEx 2. [CoDEx]Reiko & [CoDEx]Wolfen 3. - 4. #FFBF00 5. bukipeter89 6. 16:00-16:45
Accepted (30/32) ]____________________________
1. Team name [CZ/SK] or Ing. 2. Players -HF-Moki [SiK]Slovakia 3. Reserve players (it is not necessary) // 4. The main color of the team, a reserve team color (it will be used in the case of two similar colors of the teams. # color ) #98FF12 #09BABA 5. Skype login of the captain my skype 6. What time is the most comfortable for you? (16:00 – 21:00 ) CET 17 maybe
Accepted (31/32)
1-Chilampra 2-fastpaul,Robson 3-WiLLiaM 4-#FF0090 5-victor,antonio,ferreira 6-17 CET
Accepted (32/32)