1. Nickname. (fastline) 2. Real Name. (Matias) 3. ICQ/Skype. (nothing) 4. Birthday. (11/07/1995) 5. Country/City. (Chile, Santiago) 6. Multiplayer GTA. (MTA and SAMP) 7. Length of game. (5 months) 8. How many hours a day you can give the game?. (5 or 6) 9. Why did you decide to join our team?. (they have good team, and good organization and because I like their clan) 10. You have read the charter, the clan allies?. (Yes) 11. Who invited you on the team? (r1d3r) 12. Evaluate its adequacy on a 5-point scale. (4 ) 13. Cars that you have difficulty?(Bullet and Banshee) 14. What are the clans of? ( |CrF|,[RLS]) 15. The reason for leaving the clans?. (conflict with others members of the clan) 16. Your FUN-Team? (-) 17. Awards at the tournament (never participated in an event here)
18. Your skills? (nothing). 19. Which mode you use (nothing.). 20. Foreign language (English, Spanish, Pourtugues ). 21. Internet Speed - Scan speed http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3302463230