1. Nickname.
2. Real Name.
3. ICQ/Skype.
4. Birthday.
5. Country/City.
6. Multiplayer GTA [ MTA and SAMP ]
7. Length of game.
8. How many hours a day you can give the game?
9. Why did you decide to join our team?
10. You have read the charter, the clan allies?
11. Who invited you on the team? (If any)
12. Evaluate its adequacy on a 5-point scale.
13. Cars that you have difficulty?(SuperGT, Hotring, Infernus)
14. What are the clans of?
15. The reason for leaving the clans?
16. Your FUN-Team?
17. Awards at the tournament (if there is no place "-")
Additional questions:*
18. Your skills? (Photoshop, CS, Pawno, HTML и т.д).
19. Which mode you use (Weapons / Effects.).
20. Foreign language (English, Spanish, etc.).
21. Internet Speed - Scan speed HERE