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Дата: Wednesday, 23.12.2015, 15:07 | Сообщение # 1
Hello! We are going to organize a "National Cup". For the tournament we need 16 or 8 teams. In the case of registration more than 16 teams, we'll make qualifying for some teams. If the teams will be less than 16, then will be open registration for teams with incomplete roster, thus ,captains can register players from two countries. But those teams not allowed to register players, the national team have already declared the tournament.
Now you can register only team whose players consist of one country.

Date: January 16-17. But maybe we'll add another 2 days, and the tournament will be held in January 16,17,23,24. It depends on the numbers of servers, lukum need much time to set up the server with "Captain's Cup" script, and if we now try to install the script on any server , there will be a lot of bugs.

All matches will be in the 5x5 format. In the case of a lack of players, the team may ask the opponent to play a 4x4, but the opponent can refuse and play 5x4.

Registration to the tournament is open from 22 December 2015 and closes 6 January 2016

Questions and answers :

Q: Why you can't make tournament in the end of december? 25-31 December?
A: These days I work, so the only option for the tournament 16,17,23,24 January.

Q: Why you make 2-day tournaments?
A: All teams are in tournament mood those 2 days. It's interesting for everyone to spectate matches. If tournament stretched for a month, then weak teams will not come to the tournament, and it will be boring. Better for us to spend a couple of days and get an amazing show, instead of month-long boring tournament.

Q: Why you don't make group stage?

A: With the group stage matches will increase to 39 . And play many matches for the 2-4 days it's impossible.

Multiplayer : Multi Theft Auto 1.5.1 (MTA)
Ghostomode : On
Sunday : 10.01.16
Saturday : 16.01.16
Sunday : 17.01.16
Matches schedule : Later
Server of the tournament : Later
Rules of the tournament :
No cheats/trainers/mods and other stuff giving you advantage
Ping limit : 350
FPS limit : 50
Players limit of the team : 30
Don't insult, flood , threats , improper behavior or team will be disqualified
For the player substitution team will be disqualified
If player has a timeout till first 10 seconds , you can pause the game and restart the round when he come back , if player time out after 10 seconds you can't pause the game.
Matches are playing on schedule!

Дата: Tuesday, 12.01.2016, 22:35 | Сообщение # 2


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Legal Street Racers - российская мультигейминговая киберспортивная команда, созданная в 2009 году в мультиплеере SA:MP 0.2.2. За пять лет, команда успела перерасти из паблик клана в один из сильнейших коллективов мира в игре Grand Theft Auto (SA:MP, MTA). В 2014 открывает состав в WOS.

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