1.Nickname-Mr.Freak 2.Name-George 3.ICQ/Skype-Skype/j.o.r.k.a.t.a.9 4.birthday-14th may 5.Country/Cyti-Bulgaria/Smolyan 6. Multiplayer GTA [ MTA and SAMP ]-Only MTA 7.Length of game.- 1 mounth 8.How many hours a day you can give the game? -2-3 hours 9. Why did you decide to join our team?- because it is full with responsible people 10.You have read the charter, the clan allies?-yes 11.Who invited you on the team? (If any)-[LSR]Omega 12.Evaluate its adequacy on a 5-point scale.- 5-points 13.Cars that you have difficulty?(SuperGT, Hotring, Infernus)-Infernus 14.What are the clans of?-none 15.The reason for leaving the clans?-none 16. Your FUN-Team?-None 17.Awards at the tournament (if there is no place "-")-None