1. Nickname. MASTERyi or Hype 2. Real Name. Szili Dominik 3. ICQ/Skype. mineforever5 4. Birthday. 2000.04.04 5. Country/City. Hungary / Érd 6. Multiplayer GTA [ MTA and SAMP ] MTA 7. Length of game. 1 year 8. How many hours a day you can give the game? 3-4 9. Why did you decide to join our team? 2RT - LSR fusion, to improve my race skills. 10. You have read the charter, the clan allies? Yes 11. Who invited you on the team? (If any) - 12. Evaluate its adequacy on a 5-point scale. - 13. Cars that you have difficulty?(SuperGT, Hotring, Infernus) SuperGT, Motorbikes 14. What are the clans of? N'C , 2RT 15. The reason for leaving the clans? N'C : I've changed gamemode (DD). 2RT : Fusion 16. Your FUN-Team? - 17. Awards at the tournament (if there is no place "-") -
Additional questions:*
- - 20. Foreign language (English, Spanish, etc.). English, Russian 21. Internet Speed - 19.53 Mbps